Friday, June 29, 2007


Hey.. long time no update my blog already.. hehe... nothing special so did not update lo. =P

Anyway.. today we had a event at JinJang. One of the school. We have to depart at 6am so we have to gather at school at 5.30am. So today I woke up at 4.45am to get ready and change. Then came down to eat my breakfast and off I go to look for my friend Charmaine and Snow. They are already at mamak having there breakfast. So I just go to mamak and chit chat around lo.. until the leader of the sales team is here. This sales team is called CHS where it is Snow and Charmaine's sales team. The reason I go to this event is because I am in charge as the camera girl (as usual) hehe... anyway... I attended this event because Charmaine asked me to help her because her team don't have enough members which is free to take pictures. So I promised Charmaine that I will help her lo.

After we departed, in the van, i felt sleepy so i just catch a short nap before we reach to the school. It is quite a long journey. When we reach there, we set up all the things and wait for the students to come and the event starts. During the event, I took some pictures of the students and the facilitators explaining to them about what is happening. The topic for today is called "Tak Nak!" The event almost end at around 11 something. After the event is finish, we all clean up and of we go, back to school. We reach back to school at 12pm and we had our lunch at Yamme. After lunch, Snow, Charmaine and myself go back home to take shower and relax a while then we go back to school. Anyway... this is all for today's blog.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Segambut and Jinjang Event

Today I woke up at 5.45am to wash my hair because yesterday I did not wash my hair. Yesterday we had a meeting until very late. Late until 11 something. So today I wake up early to wash my hair lo.... We gathered at Yelex at 6.30am. When Charmaine, Snow and I reach there, nobody is at school yet. So we went to mamak and took our breakfast. We departed from here at 7am.

In this event, there were 6 schools which also involved in this event. Those schools are Segambut, Jinjang, Semambut Jaya, Cina Bintang, Manjalara and Kiaramas. In this event, those students were divided to 8 groups. Then they learned to solve problem and also communication skills. My job was to take pictures and also video. But sometimes I also helped group 1 to discuss. The facilitator that each group is: Group 1 - Cedric and I, Group 2 - Hugo and Kvin, Group 3 - Eric Khong, Group 4 - Zoe, Group 5 - Ceris and Charmaine, Group 6 - Candice, Group 7 - Kelvin and Group 8 - Issac and Snow.

When we reached the school, we took all the assets and go to the hall and set up everything. After all the assets were all set up, some of the seniors practiced to play the game again one last time. At around 9+ the student came to the school hall. After the introduction, those students were divided to groups. In their group the facilitator explained to them about ice breaking game. After the explanation, they started to play. After they play, and got to know each other, they started to discuss the problem that we as the facilitator has prepared. After they finished discussing, it was break time. So we all went to the school canteen and had our lunch. The school had prepared for all of us a nasi lemak with a bottle of water. After the first game, Steven continued to talk about the other two games. The other two games were called "Numerical World" & "Non-verbal (How clever are you)" After all the groups were finished, they all returned to their original place. Then Steven announced the result. The winner was group 8.

So group 8 received a price which is a bottle of coke. The teachers had a trophy. When Steven was giving trophy to the teachers, I took the pictures. At the end, before everybody go back, I helped each group to take a group photo. At the end, when all the students go back, we all started to clear our assets. Then we departed from the school and reach back to Yelex. When we reached back to school, we take all the things down and put it back to school and we all also go back to home already. =P

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Xia Mi's birthday

"Happy Birthday Xia Mi"

May all your wish come true!!