Saturday, September 29, 2007

Birthday Party

Yesterday it was Phyllis's birthday. We all had a plan for her birthday. We brought her to mini mountain to celebrate. We enjoy a lot and we have fun. We had bought pizza to mini mountain to enjoy. It is so call "pininc". hehe.. =) When went there by 2 cars. Charmaine, Fenny and Susilia in one car and Crystal, Enya, Phyllis and myself in another car. So we meet each other at Yelex. We set up everything then we sing birthday song. After that, we enjoy our dinner. When we finish eating, then we went down to half mountain. We went there to enjoy. After that, they decided that they want to go to the Palace. So we go. Phyllis lead the way. When we reach there, we just look around and they went back home.

Anyway, yesterday was the most enjoyable night and we had a lot of fun.

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