Sunday, May 20, 2007

Happy Hour

On Thursday, some of us went to Times Square and Sungai Wang. At Times Square we went to a karaoke called "Neway". This is the first time i ever go to a karaoke. heheh... very fun. But is not the first time going to roller skating. Have been there 2 times already. hehe...

In the morning we gathered at Yelex around 9, but nobody is there yet. Before i go there, my friends Charmaine and Snow came to my house. After we leave my house, they said they wants to go to bank. So we went. Actually we went to 2 different bank. After that we go to yelex and wait for people but there weren't any one they yet. So we go in and sit at the lobby and wait for them to come. After everybody is at yelex, we went for meeting for a while. Then we depart at around 10am. We reach at Neway entrance at around 11 something. But it wasn't open yet, so we waited outside the entrance until it is opened. Before Neway is open, we just wait outside and chit chat with friends. When it is opened already, we all go in. After we got our room we went to the room and start choosing songs and eat our things while listening to the rest singing. After a while, at 12 Snow and myself went out buy things. After we came back, the song now is playing is "北 极 星 的 眼 泪 人" sang by Nicholas Teo. They were singing halfway then they said wanted to change to next song. Then i just took the microphone and start to sing it until it is finish. hehe... eventhough i don't know how to read chinese but i try to sing it properly. hehe... after that... they all choose english songs. So i also got sing lo. haha... ok then, when it is time to go to sungai wang for roller skating, we all gather outside the neway and off we go.

Now, we reach sungai wang roller skating entrance. We are started to go in and wear our shoes. Then i started to go round. On that day, there was alot of people, so it is so hard to skate. Sometimes you will even fall down. hahah... XD when i go few times round the whole place, then suddenly a guy was in front of me and i cannot control so i fall down. =P Then it was almost time already. We all started to return our shoe and we go back to Times Square. Cos the bus was waiting for us there. On the way down, it was raining heavily, then we were all stuck at Giant. Cannot go back. hehe... The only person that brought umbrella is Phyllis. The rest of us did not bring. So then, one of the senior ask Phyllis bring 2 of us over first to times square. So we did go, but then when we are out, we saw that it was flooding, so we turn back and tell them. Later they decided to take the LRT. So we all walked to the LRT station and go back to times square. When we are back at times square we had to run to the bus cos it was raining. hehe.. after that we are all in the bus already then we depart and go back to yelex.

When we reach, Phyllis has suggested that we go to mamak to eat. So we go lo. Then when we finish eating, Phyllis saw my aunty, so then i just follow my until back also lo. hehe... On that they we all had so much fun and enjoying. hahah!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well written on the good topic "happy hour". Use plural "shoes". How about some photos added to make the article interesting? An interesting day singing karaoke, shopping and roller skating. So , you have to practise your singing with the mike.What an enjoyable day!!