Saturday, March 29, 2008

Superstar + Movies at Leisure Mall

Yesterday night, I went to Superstar Semi Final 1 concert. We went there by van and car. We need to gather at my school at 6pm. Our class just end at 5.30pm. So we rush back home to take shower and change our clothes. After that, we went there. Enya and myself sit in our junior's car. So we follow each other. When we reach there, we felt hungry so we went to KFC to buy our dinner. Ha ha.. but during that time, we need to go in already. So we did not eat the food yet. We stuff the food in the bag cos we are not suppose to bring in foods. Ha ha.. When we are in there, we were given a hand and two balloon to make songs with. *Hope you understand what the balloon means*. We have no idea of who we support, so we just support all the contestants. We only see the front part which is the girls contestant. After that, when it is over, we went back, because it is already late. We would not want to stay back until so late. haha.. When we go back home, we sit on the same transport as we went there. After that, we all went back to our own home. ahha.. ^^ Today, my friends and myself went to Leisure Mall for a movie. The movie that we watched is called "L Change the World" aka Death Note. This show is nice and interesting. My two friend brought along their laptops also. The show starts at 4.40pm. We only went to Leisure all around 4.30pm. So we rush to buy the ticket when we reach there. After that, we went in the cinema. After the show, my friends went to Starbucks for a drink and also to go online. I went with them to Starbucks a while. After that, I felt bored, so I went by home by myself with taxi. he he.. ^^
Here is the synopsis of the movie:
The human whose name is written in the Death Note shall die.” A God of Death dropped a notebook which had the power to kill people. Light Yagami (Tatsuya Fujiwara) found the notebook and tried to become Kira, God of a new crime-free world by executing criminals with the notebook. L (Kenichi Matsuyama), a genius detective confronted Kira who was his toughest enemy ever. At last, L managed to close the case of Kira but had to pay a painful price, with his life. Now, with only 23 days to live, another serious case confronts L. A boy and a girl hold the keys to solving this case and L had to get into a desperate situation to protect the kids.

See the way he holds something.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Ah Long Pte Ltd

Today, after exam, Snow, Charmaine, Phyllis and myself went to Time Square to watch a movie called "Ah Long Pte Ltd". This show is soooo funny. All of the people who watch this movie laugh until non stop. ha-ha!! We bought the ticket for a 2:00pm. So we still got time, we went to look for place to have our lunch. All of us decided to have our lunch at Kenny Rojers. Each of us ordered a set of different dishes. For me, I had order a plate of spagetti. You know what?? Usually the spagetti is cooked with tomato, but then, when I eat the spagetti, it has a tom yam taste. This is the first time that I had ever tried a "tom yam spagetti". ha-ha!! Weird right. Yeah... I think so too. It is weird.

About the show, it is filmed in KL. So when we see the show, we know where are those places that they had went. ahha... Here is the sysnopsis of the movie. Hope you enjoy reading. All of you who is reading this blog, you should go and watch this movie.
Ah Long Pte Ltd is a light-hearted black comedy about the triad world and the money-lending business. Instead of treating the subject of Ah Longs (money-lenders) seriously, the movie takes on a humorous and sarcastic treatment. It depicts how a young lady tries to restructure her money-lending triad into a professional and ‘loving’ triad that stands against the use of violence after she takes over from her triad leader who has retired. Her various restructuring plans (which are no doubt very creative) bring about hilarious results.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Gifts from China

My aunties and cousin is back from China. They had bought a lot of things from China. Ko3 had bought for us several things. They had bought us the pouch for the mobile phone. My cousin Joyce had bought us the dvd chinese series. My aunty also bought for us t-shirt from Hong Kong. I guess!! Here is the iPod that my cousin had bought. It is soooo nice. heheh.. but it is actually a MP4 players. It really looks like iPod. Don't you all agree??
MP4 iPod

Phone pouch in three different color~

~ Purple color phone pouch for me~

~Pink color phone pouch for my sis Michee~

~Blue color phone pouch for my cousin Wai~

Here is the 3 dvds my cousin had bought for us.

~It started with a kiss 2~

~Bull Fighting~

~Korean Drama~
*Don't really know what is this movie call*
I love all of this gifts from my aunts.. Thanks!!! I love it.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Shopping at Leisure Mall

Today after Strategic MIS class which ends at 12.30 pm. My friends and myself went to Leisure shopping and also watch movie. After class, Snow and Charmaine went back to their house to change and put all the things first and Enya, Crystal and myself came back to my house to put all the things down and wait for the two of them. We meet each other at the bus stop. The five of us took taxi to Leisure mall and it cost RM3. When we reach there, we went to the cinema to buy the ticket. The movie that we watch is called "Assembly". This movie is about war, so I don't really understand lo. hehe.. anyway... we reach Leisure at around 1pm and the show that we buy is at 2.25pm. So we walk around Leisure mall. I had bought this cute soft bear. Which is down below. I had just bought the white color bear. I did not buy the other. hehe.. I think it is cute that is why I buy it. Now I got both the bear is because we had bought it for my friends birthday present. hehe.. Don't you all think it is cute??

Here is the synopsis of the movie:
Inspired by a true event, the story of Assembly begins in 1948, right at the high point of the bloody civil war of China. A communist-led army captain, Guzidi is ordered to command his 46 men to defend a position by all costs and he is allowed to retreat only when the assembly call was blown. The call never comes and after a horrific fight, the captain finds out he is the only survivor. Without a survivor to vouch for them, the 46 men who had bravely sacrificed their lives under him had simply listed as missing. Determined to prove the glorious death of his 46 men, Guzidi embarked on a journey in search of those who held the key to the mystery of the bugle call.
Blacky & Whity

Blacky & White with the box

Here is the moo!moo! birthday card for my friend

Here is the 2 plastic bag from the same shop that we buy the present. For the box.. it is from other shop.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

How fast can you type??

56 words

Speed test

Shopping for mouse

Hey all, today I went to Leisure Mall with my cousin Joyce to buy my mouse. hehe.. First, I went to Watson to buy some facial things for myself. After that I went to Popular to look for my mouse. This mousy cost RM18+. Haha.. I also bought a key chain which is for keys. But too bad.. I don't really have key to hand. haha... only got a locker key. haha.. I think the key chain is cute so i bought it. It has 30% off after the orginal price of RM7.90. So I just decided to buy the key chain. The new mouse is much bigger than my old purple mouse. hehe.. This is what my cousin Wai said to me:

Wai: Are you using a desktop?
Me: Yes! ha-ha...

This mouse is so big.. and it looks like I am using a desktop computer. haha..

Here is my old mousy, which is not working anymore. Bye! Bye! mousy.

Here is the new mousy that I had bought today. Welcome! New mousy. haha..

Here is the key chain that I bought for fun. haha...

Friday, March 7, 2008

Asking for a Increase in Salary

Hey all, here is a tips of how you should request for a increase. haha.. hope you enjoy reading it.
Dear Bo$$
In thi$ life, we all need $ome thing mo$t de$perately. I think you $hould be under$tanding of the need$ of u$ worker$ who have given $o much $upport including $weat and $ervice to your company.

I am $ure you will gue$$ what I mean and re$pond $oon.

Your$ $incerely,
Marian $hih

The next day, the employee recieved this letter of reply:

Dear Marian
I kNOw you have been working very hard. NOwadays, NOthing much has changed. You must have NOticed that our company is NOt doing NOticeably well as yet.

NOw the newspaper are saying the world`s leading ecoNOmists are NOt sure if the United States may go into aNOther recession. After the NOvember presidential elections things may turn bad.

I have NOthing more to add NOw. You kNOw what I mean.

Yours truly,

So, what do you all think about this letter?? Isit funny?? haha... hope you enjoyed reading it.