Monday, March 17, 2008

Ah Long Pte Ltd

Today, after exam, Snow, Charmaine, Phyllis and myself went to Time Square to watch a movie called "Ah Long Pte Ltd". This show is soooo funny. All of the people who watch this movie laugh until non stop. ha-ha!! We bought the ticket for a 2:00pm. So we still got time, we went to look for place to have our lunch. All of us decided to have our lunch at Kenny Rojers. Each of us ordered a set of different dishes. For me, I had order a plate of spagetti. You know what?? Usually the spagetti is cooked with tomato, but then, when I eat the spagetti, it has a tom yam taste. This is the first time that I had ever tried a "tom yam spagetti". ha-ha!! Weird right. Yeah... I think so too. It is weird.

About the show, it is filmed in KL. So when we see the show, we know where are those places that they had went. ahha... Here is the sysnopsis of the movie. Hope you enjoy reading. All of you who is reading this blog, you should go and watch this movie.
Ah Long Pte Ltd is a light-hearted black comedy about the triad world and the money-lending business. Instead of treating the subject of Ah Longs (money-lenders) seriously, the movie takes on a humorous and sarcastic treatment. It depicts how a young lady tries to restructure her money-lending triad into a professional and ‘loving’ triad that stands against the use of violence after she takes over from her triad leader who has retired. Her various restructuring plans (which are no doubt very creative) bring about hilarious results.

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